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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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The Twilight Ninja: Akiko Hoshi

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The Twilight Ninja: Akiko Hoshi Empty The Twilight Ninja: Akiko Hoshi

Post by dlamp Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:55 am

| | Twilight | |

Moonlighting Ninja:

Nineteen | Female | Akiko Hoshi


Height | 5' 1" (155 cm)
Weight | 102 lbs. (46 kg)
Eyes Color | Purple
Hair Color | Black
Nationality | Japanese-American


Audience Reception | While Akiko wouldn't call herself a face, she's no dirty fighter, at least within the official ring. Most of her gambits are through her speed and are less cheap tricks as they are calculated strategies. Most of the audience appreciate her earnest nature and sportsmanship when she's fighting, though care little for her sarcastic asides when she's on record.
Entrance Music | Lesson Learnt
Fighting Style | While Akiko has studied ninjutsu and ninja techniques they rarely come into play in the ring, as those techniques are geared towards a more guerilla style of street fighting in an closed off area with plenty of dirty tricks. In the ring however, Akiko fights with a degree of fairness and honor, using her strong fundamentals of karate and jujitsu she's learned over the years training at a friend's dojo. While she favors heavy kicks and spear-handed jabs, she's prone to using her speed to sneak behind an opponent for strikes aimed at the neck and submissions focusing on one limb to completely wear it down and break her opponent's spirit.

But overall Akiko fights cautiously, allowing her opponent to strike first and see how they behave and countering whenever possible. If her opponent starts to show hesitation she tries to end the match quickly with fast strikes and acrobatics.
Preferred Matches | Standard

  • Notes From the Writer: While Akiko is suited for mostly standard match, she's free for just about anything. From hardcore to softcore, her being an all-rounder in most things makes her perfect to try on any wacky idea with snark and abandon. Her preferred opponents would be other ninja and martial artists, but she's good to take on just about anyone her size and a little more than that.


Overall Combat
Endurance | RNK B
Strength | RNK D
Speed | RNK A
Defense | RNK C
Technique | RNK B
Wrestling Skill
Strikes | RNK B
Submissions | RNK C
Powerhouse | RNK F
Aerial | RNK B
Counters | RNK A
Favored Moves | An Array of kicks, fast hand strikes, and simple submissions
Signature Move(s)

  • N/A

Finishing Move(s)

  • N/A


Wrestling Attire | In the ring, Akiko goes all-in on her ninja attire. Made by a friend, her outfit is a sleeveless kimono top, usually with black panties or spats underneath depending on the match type, along with fingerless gloves and detached kimono sleeves that she usually peels off before the match starts. For footwear, she goes in either black sandals or plain black tabi socks.
Personality | A bookworm at heart, Akiko tends to keep to herself when off the job and tries to relax by reading, which is often. Most of her friends would say that she's a bit of a nut when it comes to reading and studying. This does make her a bit antisocial, but she generally warms up to people after some time has past. However, due to her reserved and standoffish nature, she can be bitter and sarcastic as well. This is usually kept in her thoughts or in hushed asides (though it does slip out sometimes). Aki also has a bit of a compulsive personality, obsessing over things such as order, neatness, punctuality, etc. If these things are not in order, she can go a little berserk. Overall, she's a good girl, but has some ticks and flaws.
Bio | The first thing that should be noted about Akiko is that she lives a double life, one as a fresh high school graduate working in a library, and another as a vigilante ninja that walks in the shadows of Tokyo fighting crime. She's actually a part of a group of crime fighting martial artists. They all got together after a martial arts tournament(that she won) and "decided"(read: forced her) to form a team of fighters to battle the criminal infested streets of Tokyo. Luckily, Akiko has been able to maintain her secret life from her family. Though with her and her friends deeds being shown a little more on the news, it's gotten harder to hide her double life.

In an attempt to evade suspicious, Akiko joined the AFW as an excuse to hide her double life, mainly just being a sparring partner and rarely in matches. However, learning a bit about the darker side of the AFW recently, she's attempted to take down some of the more questionable characters in the league.
Fun Facts |

  • Moonlights as a Crime Fighter, mainly fights robbers and street thugs
  • Learned Ninjutsu from reading several books on it, as well as taking self defense classes
  • Is surprisingly athletic, considering she's a bookworm
  • Carries around dulled Kunai and Shurikens at all times(except in matches of course), is a pretty good shot
  • Has two jobs, one as a library's assistant, another as an assistant for a friend's dojo

Likes | Fantasy Novels, Strawberry Milk
Dislikes | Light Novels





  • N/A


  • N/A


  • Claire St. Clair: A now close friend and rival of Akiko after their several matches against each other. Akiko trains hard to stay on top of her game for another battle with her friend.

Last edited by 8765 on Wed Apr 23, 2014 5:29 am; edited 8 times in total

The Azure Squadron

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Age : 30
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