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Champions & #1 contenders

Friction World Champion
Rebecca Tomko
#1 contender

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Hardcore 24/7 Champion
Yona "The Graceful Undead" Giovanni
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Bianca Garcia
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Iris Takahashi
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Giovanni "Gyro" Zeppeli


Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Antonio! Fetch me my underwear!

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Antonio! Fetch me my underwear! Empty Antonio! Fetch me my underwear!

Post by KreepKing Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:08 pm

Favored Quote: "Bitch? Who, me?"

Appearence: Antonio! Fetch me my underwear! 16201141.jpg

Bio: Her favorite pair of Aldo shoes cost $200. Her custum made push-up bra is one of the only five made in the world. In fact, the price of her least favored possession can equal to the amount an average adult pays for college expenses.
When Gravy isn't making you wish you were never born to deal with her salty, rich-girl attitude, she spends her time feeding her Belgian Shepard dog, "Fluffy":
Antonio! Fetch me my underwear! Belgian_Shepherd_Dog.JPG Isn't he cute?

Running up the cable bill watching re-runs of her soap opera counts as her "full days work". Having her ass worshipped and eaten out by older male butlers counts as her "alone time", while numerous hours spent throwing thousands of dollars away at shopping malls is her "fun time".
Her parent's rich lifestyle had contributed greatly to her lazy, and bitchy attitude. One would think that a person as rich as Gravy would be happy to give a financial helping hand, but thinking like that would only be wasting your time. At any given day, when she's not sucking her parent's wallet dry at the mall, she's up in her bedroom, sucking the blood out of a poor, defenless, young boy.

Yes, she's a vampire...

But that isn't the point.

Soon after Gravy hit puberty, her parents had gone away for thier wedding anniversary. Meanwhile, her half-mexican, half-beast butler, Antonio had called in sick, and her dog, Fluffy, wouldn't come out of his doghouse to play with Gravy, not since he had fractured his hind leg trying to play horseback with her.
Since there was pretty much nothing else to do, she decides to pick up the phone and apply for Vanburen Univeristy, one of the most prestigious colleges in the USA for human beings. Not that Gravy was truly accedemically capable, or anything. Gravy couldn't even tell you the difference between her age and the time on her watch for heaven's sake.

During her first year as a freshman in college, Gravy had realized that reading was too boring, and math had too many numbers. So in order to pass her classes, Gravy paid her way to get her perfect GPA score, as well as paying for her own seperate graduation ceromony. Expenses as follows:

Tons of confetti: $500
Clowns and circus performers: $10,000
Food and drink: $800
Performances from N'sync: $70,000
Cost of installing chlorophorm into the air vents so that Gravy can get away with sucking the blood out of every guest who attended her graduation party: Priceless

After "graduating" college, one night, while reading the 63rd issue of "Young, pretty and spoiled" magazine, Gravy decides that now was the perfect time to look for something else to do. Can Friction solve her boredom?

Real Name: Gravy Theodore William Dorio Grimace Mc fuqyu, the 18th
Nick Name: Uh...just call her Gravy
Age: 23, but she won't tell you that even if you ask.
Race: White, rich and spoiled
Gender: Female
Past jobs: LOL
Specialty: The girl who would most likely break your heart, rip it out, play with it, step on it, spit on it, then step on it again.
Secondary Specialty: Using men as her personal plaything, as well as her instant, portable toilet.
E-Mail: Hit her up on her myspace
Current occupation: LOL
Stats: 28C-25-35, 5 ft, 110 lbs.
Hobbies: "Antonio! Fetch me my slippers!"
Other Hobbies: "Antonio! I'm hungry!"

Intro Music: Classical Bethoven, and whatever else that vampires listen to.

Special Moves:
Omg! Don't Touch Me!: Gravy couldn't believe that you just touched her ass! If her opponent manages to grab her rear end, one of three things may happen:

1)She slaps you
2)She backhands you
3)She calls her lawyer and files a lawsuit

Fun facts:

-Gravy's life expenses are calculated thus far:

Gravy's 6th birthday= $120,000
Gravy's sweet 16 Bday= $500,000,000
Gravy's daimond ring=Damn near priceless
Gravy's underwear: The same amount as your house

-Her personal schedule is as follows:

1)Waking up
2)Having her butler brush her teeth, then using his face for her morning "relief"
3)Eat breakfast
4)Whatever she feels like doing, honestly, since Gravy had never done anything productive in her life. If she feels like it, she'll go out to shop. If not, then she might stay in her room and read a magazine. Other times, she'll sit on her butler's face and masturbate herself to pass the time.

-Gravy loves to laugh at you. Even when there's nothing to laugh about.This behavior had almost gotten her accepted into the looney house at age 12.

-Gravy has a fetish....with herself.

-Gravy tries to control her urges to suck blood from human beings ever since her parents had to pay for her surgery after having bitten someone with STDs.

Friends? What friends?


[url=]Gravy: $1000,000,000 says that Gravy will someday buy out the entire AFW federation![/url:axae0dnj]

[url=]Katrina's currently on her world tour, promoting her new album, "Who da baddest pt.2"[/url:axae0dnj]

[url=]Send Journer an email, and she might just throw on her best outfit and consider YOU for a match![/url:axae0dnj]


Posts : 451
Join date : 2008-10-15

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