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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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My Sister's Enemy's Sister

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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Feb 13, 2011 10:55 pm

Ryoko was sitting down on a chair in the hallways of AFW's complex. Dressed in her usual ninja outfit, she had heard of her sister's first match and how it ended in the draw and how Kyoko would not stop saying how much she hated her opponent and that she was a whale whore and an underhanded bitch. Ryoko couldn't help but laugh at her sister's fury since it's not a usual sight to be hold. However Ryoko was rather curious to see what kind of girl this 'whale whore' was in order for her to get riled up like this, and even remembers hearing from Kyoko that she had a sister.

Thinking about what exactly this 'whale whore' did to piss Kyoko off so much, Ryoko sat on her chair to think about the possibilities that could've happen during the match.


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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by Dice007 Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:18 pm

Diedra was walking through the AFW complex just to get some time away from her sister. She doesn't remember much getting under her sister's skin as bad as that girl did, but she was sick of hearing it and headed out for a little walk. Diedra was simply in a snow-camo baby-doll shirt, a pair of relaxed fit jeans, and black and white cross training shoes since she wasn't planning on doing much there other than walk around. She figured the AFW complex would be a relatively quiet place to walk around and get some time away from her sister. Landri warned her that this girl had a sister too, mentioned something about having a ninja fetish, and that they were going around making fun of their height.

As Diedra was walking around, she noticed one girl who just happened to be sitting down in a rather quiet hallways in the complex, and who was dressed as a ninja. Diedra wasn't sure if it was the same girl that Landri told her about, but she figured she might as well go meet the person and find out if they really were the sister of that girl Landri fought the other day.

Diedra will casually walk up to the girl and will lean against the wall from her before asking, "This seems to be an awefully out of the way place to be hanging out. Are you meditating or something?" She doesn't mean to sound like she's might possibly be making fun of the girl, but that's how it could come across and Diedra doesn't even notice it right away.

Friction: [url=]Krystal Lee[/url:2mpmv6s5]
Kawaii: [url=]Diedra & Landri[/url:2mpmv6s5]


Posts : 757
Join date : 2009-03-09

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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:25 pm

Ryoko looked up when she realized that someone was in front of her, lost in her thoughts about what this whale whore could do to get under Kyoko's skin. "Nah, I'm not doing anything special like that, I'm just thinking about stuff." Ryoko said as she looked at the other girl, she was short, wearing simple street clothing, and nothing else seemed out of the ordinary for the girl. "Well what are you doing here? This doesn't seem like a place to be walking around." Ryoko said, however there was something about this girl that seemed to be...nagging. Ryoko couldn't place her finger on it, but there was something about her that was off.


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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by Dice007 Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:38 pm

Diedra rested her head against the wall as the girl asked her question, looking above the ninja girl across the hall from her as she thought about how to answer. "Me? Well, I just need a little time to myself. Siblings can be such a pain sometimes..." she'll answer with a slight shake of her head and a soft sigh. She's trying to carefully figure out if this girl could be the one that Landri told her about. Diedra will stand up and introduce herself, "Sorry, how rude of me... I'm Mindy," as she extends a hand out to the ninja girl to see if she can get the name of the ninja girl across from her.

Friction: [url=]Krystal Lee[/url:2mpmv6s5]
Kawaii: [url=]Diedra & Landri[/url:2mpmv6s5]


Posts : 757
Join date : 2009-03-09

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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by OmegaVan0 Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:40 pm

"Really? I think siblings are fun to be with." Ryoko said as she thought Kyoko was the most interesting person to be around with, since she hung out with for her entire life. Seeing the hand extended, Ryoko saw nothing wrong with being polite as she extended her hand to grasp it, "Nice to meet you, I'm Ryoko." she introduced herself. However even with the politeness, Ryoko couldn't help but think something was totally off with this girl, and she needed to know what.


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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by Dice007 Sun Feb 13, 2011 11:52 pm

"Nice to meet you," she responds, though in her mind she thinks, "That's two things in going for Lan's description." Diedra will sink down so she's squatting across from the girl, staring at her intensely like she's in deep though. "I'll just ask 2 more questions... Do you happen to know a 'Kyoko'?" she'll ask with a brief pause before continuing, "And you wouldn't happen to have said anything... negative... about the height of some other people, would you?" Diedra looks intensely at Ryoko after asking her second question, obviously quite a bit more interested in her answer to the second question than the first.

Friction: [url=]Krystal Lee[/url:2mpmv6s5]
Kawaii: [url=]Diedra & Landri[/url:2mpmv6s5]


Posts : 757
Join date : 2009-03-09

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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by OmegaVan0 Mon Feb 14, 2011 8:29 pm

Ryoko's face was twisted with confusion as Mindy named her sister, she was wondering just how in the world would she know about Kyoko, until the second question made things very clear to her. She did remember that during the course of Kyoko's ranting about her opponent, she had mentioned that she along with her sister was two of the shortest wrestlers in AFW and Ryoko played along and made fun with her sister. Pulling her hand quickly away from Mindy, Ryoko's face turned into a somewhat smug look on her face.

"Oh now I know you, you're that sister of that 'whale whore' that my sister fought with. I thought she was joking, but jeez you're so tiny!" Ryoko bluntly shouted to Mindy as she thought that she was short, but now looking at the girl in front of her, she wasn't too ashamed of her height any more!


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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by Dice007 Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:01 pm

Diedra lets out a sigh, clearly aggravated by Ryoko's answer. It seems that her sister was right for once and not just trying to make her mad at someone for no good reason. "Well, that's a good enough answer for me," Diedra said quietly through clenched teeth as she also clenched her fists in anger. She will glance back and forth in the hallway, noting that it was a rather quiet hallway, and nobody would probably notice if she just unwound on the girl across from her. However, she will decide against it and give Ryoko the benefit of believing it to be a blonde moment for the girl across from her, though that won't save her from Diedra still being rather pissed off at the girl. Staying in her squatting position, she will give a sigh and unclench her fists before glaring at the ninja girl and rather angrily saying, "You're lucky I have things to do in a bit. When and where do you want the beating that will be coming your way?"

Friction: [url=]Krystal Lee[/url:2mpmv6s5]
Kawaii: [url=]Diedra & Landri[/url:2mpmv6s5]


Posts : 757
Join date : 2009-03-09

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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by OmegaVan0 Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:05 pm

Ryoko snickered at the smaller girl's threat, she couldn't take someone that seriously who was shorter than she was! Ryoko didn't care that Mindy was in this company longer than her, she felt like she had no need to find this girl threatening in any way, shape, or form. However she was not one to back down from a fight so she devised of an match that would suit her when she battles Mindy."I know of a place we can have our little tussle. It's a little apartment that my manager has rented out." Ryoko explained, knowing that her manager wouldn't mind if she borrowed the apartment for a bit. And before Mindy got any ideas, Ryoko would let it know that the fight wasn't going to be on Mindy's terms, but on Ryoko's terms.

"Hold your horses there, little girl." Ryoko quickly said, "We're not going to have a brawl, I don't want to hurt your tiny stature, so we're going to have a wedgie match!" Ryoko exclaimed as she was excited to participate in one of her favorite types of matches set up by her. "No strikes, the only moves allowed are ones that involve wedging the opponent's panties! Oh yeah and...bring extra because I'm going to try and rip those panties right off of you." Ryoko explained to her soon to be 'opponent'.


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My Sister's Enemy's Sister Empty Re: My Sister's Enemy's Sister

Post by Dice007 Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:12 pm

Diedra gives a slight scowl at her opponent picking a private location, though she quickly loses any worry about it and just wants to make her pay for picking on her height again. She gives a soft scoff at Ryoko's choice of how she wants to get her beating before angrily replying, "Hide behind whatever rules you want... I'm going to make you regret those comments."

Diedra will stand up, clenching her fists and rather unhappy with Ryoko right now. "You got a time in mind. Based on your rules, I'm guessing you'd like it to be dark outside too, just in case your rules backfire?" she'll ask the girl, wanting to get a time so she can plan out the rest of the day. Despite not having an exact address for the apartment, she figures it won't be hard to get, or Ryoko wouldn't have too hard of a time finding a way to contact her to tell her where to go.

Friction: [url=]Krystal Lee[/url:2mpmv6s5]
Kawaii: [url=]Diedra & Landri[/url:2mpmv6s5]


Posts : 757
Join date : 2009-03-09

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