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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by killcarrion Fri Jan 27, 2023 6:52 am

Chastising warnings from the referee inside the ring compelled Mr. Atlas to start backpedaling away from the competitors, his arms raised in a gesture of abject innocence with seemingly no intention of interfering on his rotund client's behalf. Not that his assistance was currently needed anyway considering the match's momentum was heavily favoring the Bear-Woman who'd just squished the forlorn Canuck between her plump belly and the rigid ring structure behind her. Bashira backing off to witness Ace crumple down to one knee with what she intended to be the first of many intensely painful setbacks for the rest of the night.

Gradual and methodical was how Bashira preferred to handle her beat-downs, aiding in conserving her stamina and ensuring she can appreciate every brutalizing detail of her match. Including how much like a sad sack Ace looked down there on her knee. "Think I'm making my mark pretty damn well, eh? Whattya think?" Bashira brutishly gloated before reaching down to clamp onto her hair and hefting Ace abdomen first over one of Bash's shoulder. Ace facing forward as the Grizzly Magnum proceeded to effortlessly ferry them towards a corner turnbuckle, Bash eventually rushing ahead and attempting to ram Ace's silver-haired noggin into the steel beam.

SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by Old_Man_Tai Wed Feb 01, 2023 10:12 am

This...this was not going well.

It had been a long time since Silver Ace had faced an opponent who had this much of a size and strength advantage over her, and the first time in a long time that she had been this overwhelmed early on in a match, not since her debut match against Iron Maiden, a long, long time ago, since she had last taken on such a dangerous and overwhelming opponent.

"Oh...Shit..." Ace thought to herself, as while she was still recovering from having her back rammed into the apron, she was hauled up onto one of the large Bashira's shoulders, seeing the steel turnbuckle pole directly in front of her and realizing she was about to be fucked if she didn't make a move and make a move now.

Kicking her legs as rapidly as she could, Ace desperately, frantically, pushed against Bashira's body, shifting her weight as the big beast of a woman charged towards the corner. Her struggles paid off, as she only JUST managed to push and slip herself through the grip of Bashira's arm and slipped down behind her opponent. Immediately, she ducker her shoulder and rammed her body directly into Bashira's, trying to use her own momentum against her and shove her the rest of the way to make her collide with the very turnbuckle pole she tried to ram Ace into!

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by killcarrion Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:58 am

Bashira figured that right around now, Ace was beginning to ascertain just what kind of monumental challenge she was in for tonight. So often overconfident competitors would come into the ring against the Brawling Behemoth all starshine and sprinkles, thinking they can approach Bashira using the same wrestling techniques they've utilized against all these other beach blonde bobbleheads passing themselves off as wrestlers nowadays. Dawning upon them right quick though was the realization that they had a 300-pound problem staring them down that wasn't going to be suplexed, tackled, or taken off her feet in general anywhere near as easy as anyone else they crossed path with in this business.

Bashira had hoisting Ace over her shoulder like a sack of Canadian potatoes with startling ease, intending to turn Silver Ace into Black and Blue Ace by creaming her headfirst against the steel turnbuckle. The Bear-Woman accelerating full steam with a bellowing roar when the fidgeting Canuck squirmed her way free from being susceptible to AFW's concussion protocol. "Whatthefu!!!-" Bashira understandably irate but incapable of stamping down on the brakes thanks to Ace's shoving propulsion from behind, Bash ramming herself head first into the steel beam and groggily wavering around afterwards. Stars in her eyes as she jostled her head around with her gloved hand covering the point of impact.

SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by Old_Man_Tai Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:55 am

Yes! Bingo!

Call it luck, call it skill, call it a big ass headache for Bashira, Ace had managed a counter at the last moment, just avoiding having her skull smashed into the steel post at the corner of the ring, the much larger Bashira left stunned and groggy as she stumbled back from the turnbuckle post while Ace backed up the previously booing crowd cheering as the Canadian hero came to life and nailed her first successful bit of damage so far in this match, Ace looking around to see what nearby she could use to further damage the big woman, with her eyes centering on the steel steps attached to the same post.

Well, if it worked the first time...

With enough space for a running start, Ace charged forward again to ram her body into Bashira's from the side, ducking her body to ram her head and shoulder into the bulgy flesh from a lower angle, trying to push the bigger woman with her charging momentum, hoping to send the dazed brute crashing into the steel steps nearby!

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by killcarrion Sat Apr 22, 2023 6:53 am

Bashira's stubbornly thick skull typically offers her some facet of protection from getting her coconut rattled, except on this particular occasion. Solid steel once again reigns supreme when pitted against any part of the human body as Bashira's warbled vision and aching head pains could attest to. The Bear Woman nevertheless staying upright for the time being in spite of her vertigo induced incapacitation, for now instinctively shuffling over towards the adjacent steel steps to balance herself against with one gloved hand placed upon them. Bash seething in aggravation that a gameplan as rudimentary as smashing Ace's face against something really hard can go awry to this irritating extent.

Bash's overpowering dominance over the Canadian Warrior taking a backseat to a thin sliver of hope that was capitalized upon further via Ace's next plan of attack. "OOOPG!!!" Catching Bashira by surprise with a gut-blasting spear that tackled the heavyweight through the steel steps with the top half floundering into the distance. Bashira herself crumbling to the floor with a flabby smack of her back, rotund belly wavering as she remained prone like a beached whale until half-heartedly beginning to arise sometime later underneath her own power. Audience members rallying behind the veteran and how she somehow managed to take the behemoth off her feet for the first time in the match.

SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by Old_Man_Tai Mon May 01, 2023 6:28 am

Success! Certainly one of the odder sensations of Silver Ace's career, tackling a fat woman at full speed. Hitting that firm pound of flesh and sinking into it while driving her into the steps was...definitely a weird feeling, not one Ace particularly enjoyed, but glad it was effective.

Though, she doubted it would keep the big bear of a woman down for long, so, rather than immediately go on the offensive, Ace backed up, rolling back into the ring, watching her opponent as she did, soon enough, start to get back up under her own power. Watching carefully, the former Entropy and Hardcore champion turned towards the big woman's manager, flipping the annoying man off before running towards the ropes, bouncing off of them for momentum and rushing towards the opposite side of the ring, achieving full speed and ducking her head, throwing her body through the ropes, trying to crash into the rising Bashira's big body with a suicide dive attack!

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by killcarrion Sat May 27, 2023 7:32 am

Backstage personnel started becoming slightly concerned with the structural integrity off the ring after noticing a slight jostling of the typically immovable steel post which Bashira had been thrust coconut first into. Not to mention their being only steel plated wreckage where one of the ring steps used to be. The chaotic culmination of what happens when a three-hundred-pound mastodon of a woman starts becoming pinballed all around the outskirts of the squared circle until noticeable chinks in her blubbery armor were starting to becoming glaringly obvious and ripe for severe capitalization. Johnny meanwhile taking extreme offense to Ace's one-fingered salute that popped the audience with the Dapper Manager's outraged complaints and calls for disqualification being directed to the referee which she promptly ignored. Warbled tunnel vision was all Bashira had on her rattled mind considering that all she wanted was to wail on this accursed Canuck were it not for the searing head pains going on around up there, all of which leaving Bash wide-open to be tackled into by the Silver Bullet. "HUHHHG!!!" Bashira barreling backward until seated with her back against the barricade in a dazed stupor, the cheering audience now officially riled up into believing a Canadian can fly.

SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by Old_Man_Tai Thu Jul 20, 2023 5:29 am

Upon contact with the large and blimp-body type of Bashira, Ace nearly bounced off of her, but had enough force to drive the woman crashing back into the guardrail, the big womans body cushioning Ace from any impact, allowing her to hit the ground and immediately roll away, hopping back up to her feet and letting out a loud battle cry, one that was responded too by an equally loud eruption of cheers and applause from the audience, standing in a frenzy as Ace took the fight to her opponent with bravado and gusto.

She wasn't done yet, either, the silver haired veteran moving towards the ring and rolling under the ropes to re-enter, hopping straight to her feet and making a bee-line for the turnbuckle, anyone not standing, or had sat back down, quickly on their feet as Ace prepared for another daring high flying assault. Maybe her superkicks couldn't bring this big bitch down for a pin...but a win by count out was still a win.

Sure, normally she would have more respect for an opponent, were they honorable, and not want such an unsatisfying victory...but against the kind of person Bashira had shown herself to be, a win, was a win, was a win.

The excitement in the crowd was already seemingly peaked as Ace stood straight on the turnbuckle...and then she turned around, giving her lover Valley Doll's signature "Devil Horns" rock n roll hand gesture, before flipping backwards off the turnbuckle with a Valley-sault, aiming to smash her body from great height down onto Bashira and finally take her off of her feet!

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by killcarrion Sun Aug 06, 2023 7:50 am

Roaring adulation started to eclipse the entirety of the stadium from the fervent fandom witnessing Silver Ace being shot out of the ring into a suicide dive like a metaphorical but nevertheless aptly titled silver bullet. Successive attacks from the fan favorite each equating to Ace deliberately and purposefully chopping away at the base of a mighty redwood with each swing further weakening its wavering verticality. Bashira's distressed ringside manager on the cusp of beginning to start eating his bowler hat due to the sheer anxiety of seeing his chosen talent steadily being overwhelmed and clobbered about like an oversized ping pong. Although in actuality what he was merely witnessing was all the money he invested in the Bear-Woman start going up in flames, with several associates he'd rather not be indebted to should she lose since he very much cherishes having thumbs.

Bashira cradling her rattled cranium as she wearily leaned against the barricade with one arm draped over it, the solid structure clearly being the main factor separating the rotund behemoth from being splayed out on the floor earlier. Lethargic breathes taken as she started blinking the stars out of her vision in time to notice Ace signaling to the heavens and paying homage to her loved one, scores of fans gesturing back with swelled appreciation and cheering fanfare...all ceasing immediately once Bash ended up catching Ace instead with a deft capture that left the captured high-flyer slung abdomen first over Bash's shoulder. "Tch, let's see ya hop around now ya little..." Bashira viscerally snarled out while adjusting Ace into a tombstone position, only with Bash opting to leap and splash down upon the pancaked Canadian. Buried beneath her blubbered gut until unearthed by her foe rising to one knee.

SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 JzMxnhg

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

Post by Old_Man_Tai Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:20 am

Oh shit


Ace had hoped, she really had hoped, that her brave, reckless, utterly ridiculous idea to do a goddamn moonsault to the outside would have the effect she wanted. Take down the already dazed bear woman, get back in the ring, win by count out, get the hell out of dodge. For a moment or so, she had been so optimistic...

And then Bashira had fucking caught her on her shoulder. ONE shoulder. Dead to rights...held her still despite Ace's frantic struggles...and then shifted her to a tombstone position.


Ace's following scream was barely heard by anybody, as a second after it started, Bashira threw her body forward, not only planting Ace HARD on the padded concrete, but utterly squishing the Canadian's entire body with her large and rotund one, muffling the scream so deeply, even the first row didn't hear it.

For several seconds, everything was black, Ace's vision completely and utterly filled with her opponents extra folds. When there was finally light, when Bashira finally got up off of her, the crowd would see the Silver Ace, groaning weakly, arching her back in sheer agony as she lay on the floor, having been smashed but good by the powerful bear-woman!

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SS22  Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto - Page 2 Empty Re: SS22 Silver Ace vs. Bashira Matsumoto

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