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Mon May 13, 2024 5:49 am by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sun Apr 07, 2024 12:00 am by Blade/speranza

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Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy)

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Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy)

Post by BritBrat Thu Sep 21, 2017 5:16 pm

Every person has different timings in life. And different ways of their journeys. Not everyone would have gone the same route and get a match as soon as they sign in. Some do. Some would eventually wait for months. Or even years till they get their break.

Li-Mei does understand that. Doesn't mean she likes it.

It might not bring such hope to the newbie redhead but it is all about patience and preservation. She is confident the time will come. It is all about when.

"Hehe. I agree with you there." Li-Mei chuckes as Angelica makes the comment of just having a match. "With a good opponent of course. I guess I shouldn't be too picky but I'd like my first time to be a great one, you know?"

Even though Angelica isn't as skilled as she is, Li-Mei felt that she has potential. If she trained right (and not injure herself constantly), got some matches on her belt, she could grow. Maybe the trainers could help the redhead...although she did make light work out of them so they may not be the best of help.

What about-

"Hmm?" She snapped out of her thoughts as soon as Angelica said her name, seeming like she is about to ask a question. The question being if she could be her pupil.

"Oh really?" She had a sweet grin on her face. Li-Mei never thought that she would be in a position to already be asked to teach someone. Maybe once she has some awesome matches, held some title belts, she would give the thought about teaching someone.

Or maybe this is what the universe is preparing herself for. Sometimes opportunities can come when you least expect it. She was in the right place at the right time. That is probably fate.

"Well it's not like I have anything to do...And like I said, you would be awesome." She claps her hands together, giving the Bionic Woman a beaming smile.

"So yes! I'd be glad to teach someone like you!"


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Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy)

Post by Pithy Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:20 am

Almost immediately, Angelica wished she hadn't asked. She felt...rude, like she asked for a favor which she didn't have the capacity to repay. What in the world could Li-Mei possibly gain from working with her? Very little, was Angelica's own answer. The redhead cringed to herself, still looking at her hands, and parted her lips to retract the request when Li-Mei sounded uncertain.

But when she finally looked up, she noticed the grin on Li-Mei's face. She...actually wanted to. Or...perhaps she didn't want to - Angelica supposed from this conversation that she would want a chance at earning a title here over everything else, much like any self-respecting skilled wrestler. But in the meantime, she said she would be glad to help her. "You mean it?" She did, didn't she? That was not a misleading expression on her face. She would do it.

Angelica's hands balled into excited fists, before she finally pumped them towards the ceiling.

She might actually get better now. No need to keep reading books that told her twelve different ways she should be training. No need to keep watching old matches to figure out how she should apply a hold. She could learn from the best source she had met in her time here, and as a huge added bonus, get to know an exceptionally interesting woman better.

"Thank youuuu," she practically sang, rubbing her hands over her own face. "That you're even willing means the world." It didn't feel like quite enough to say in appreciation, but Angelica didn't think that words could repay having someone willing to spend their time getting her sad self ready for the ring. Angelica could only repay Li-Mei with actions, but she didn't have many options for those at the moment.

Except for one. She peered at the object of her gratitude, who might as well have started glowing to Angelica's eyes. She certainly appeared angelic to the redhead's hazel eyes. "Do hugs? Besides, you know, bearhugs? I feel a hug coming on."



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Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy)

Post by BritBrat Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:14 pm

If this is what the universe tells her to do, then she could do it.

Sure she does have her own dreams. Title belts, wins, orgasms, but those would come when she would get her debut first. It would be a while to come for those. Right now, helping out a sweet girl like her would be worthwhile. Maybe she might not get her chance in the AFW, but if she could instill her skills to this young redhead then it would not be much of a waste to come to the land of the Rising Sun.

And the joy that she saw from the redhead was also worth it, Angelica's fist pumped the heavens and she practically couldn't believe it. It reminded her of the time when she first met her master...

You are most welcome, Angelica." She bowed slightly. Li-Mei chuckled when she called for a bearhug. Eh, why not? "Well.
Hug away then."
The Oriental Rose giggled as she opened her arms wide.


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Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy)

Post by Pithy Fri Sep 22, 2017 4:50 pm

Li-Mei would take a hug, and Angelica gave her one - a squeezing hug that pulled the Chinese woman close long enough for Angelica to let out a burst of her appreciation and excitement, before she let it go. Too much, and it would probably get weird. Having someone who had agreed to work with her think of her as weird wouldn't do at all.

"Whew, okay, yeah. This is going to be great," she exclaimed, before that tempered voice in her head told her not to act so ridiculous that she might end up feeling as if she held Li-Mei hostage. The redhead held up her hands for assurance. "But, also, if you get too busy or something or I start to be a burden, don't hesitate to say so. I don't want to keep you from something you need to do, but I really would just love to see you even once a week for a sparring match or something like that. I hope that's not too much. But I can do more! I have a totally empty schedule. All up to you. If you want to meet every day, we can meet every day!"

Realizing her rant, she quickly shut her mouth. Let Li-Mei do the deciding, she reminded herself.



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Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy) - Page 2 Empty Re: Some Much Needed Influence (For Pithy)

Post by BritBrat Sun Sep 24, 2017 9:55 pm

She chuckled quietly as Angelica gives a tight hug. She can't lie, it felt nice. Her bountiful breasts pressed on her's-And she just went sexual again.

Still, quite the good squeeze. Maybe she does have a good bearhug...

The redhead lets go before continuing, still ecstatic about her new teacher. And of course she goes on about what times they could meet. Li-Mei can't help but giggle at the girl's enthusiasm. Better than having a student who isn't as interested as her.

"Hahaha! Okay, girl. Calm yourself." Her hands gestured that too. "Well I am glad that you say you are free. We can meet one time to try you out and see what you know. Then I can see how many days I can have you to train. Wherever it is everyday or just once a week." Her right index finger taps her chin, the purple eyes looking up and down once more at Angelica. "One thing I would like to ask is if there is anything specific that you want to focus on. Wanna be a submission artist? A high flyer?
A powerhouse? A striker? Or even a hentai/sex fighter? I'm sure I can go over those and let you experience those before you choose which archetype to focus a bit more on. Many will have their particular favorites and we'll probably have to see which one is yours."


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