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Sun May 12, 2024 11:49 pm by TheLoneWanderer

As a first outing for this rebooted account, I'd like to engage some opponent in a matroom, or something equivalent, with a focus on BJJ, Catch Wrestling, MMA, etc. It can range from actual training (preferably of the character I play but I can do yours even if I'd like further teaching for BJJ.) to an extreme match. Either way, message me if you wanna bite. While I do like femdom and all that, I will do my best to treat any participants equally.

You can pick either Senji or Hiroyuki but I'm …

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All of blade/speranza wreslters

Sat Apr 06, 2024 6:00 pm by Blade/speranza

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Starlight Vs Ryu

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by wrestleryu Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:14 pm

Best 2 of 3 rounds. Victory via Standard Submission or Hentai Submission

Ryu would give high fives to the cheering fans, walking his way to the ring. He could not collect many informations about his next opponent, but he was confident in his good chances to win.
The match included hentai moves a sa amethod to win, and he knew what that would mean: that he needed to avoid any timid behavior and use any means necessary to win. Including... THAT method.

Once the Japanese redhead was on the ring, getting rid of his shirt and showing off his slim but well toned body, the spotlights were attracted to the ramp, where Ryu's opponent would wait to see his next opponent in person for the first time.

Last edited by wrestleryu on Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-06

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by freeko Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:15 pm


"Starlight" as she was known in the ring, would make her way to the ring and realize that there were spotlights waiting for her this time. She was starting to head out to the ring for another Tension match. This time there was not going to be any pinfalls, but submissions of any kind and knockouts would be the method of gaining the falls in this match.

Looking into the ring, Starlight would see a kid almost that had red hair. The hair seemed to be tied back but there was no way that was his normal hair color she would think. The fans seemed to be almost like they always were, rooting for her opponent to just fuck her senseless in the ring. Looking at the kid, Starlight wanted to see what he had. At least he had the decency to not hide his body behind a shirt of some kind.

Starlight knew that this Ryu kid was not much of a striker, but there would be no real benefit gained in striking from this match. Starlight was going to have to rely on her skills both in submission moves and sexual if she is to emerge victorious in this match.

Singles Competitors:

Chilling Inferno (Tag Team):

Posts : 881
Join date : 2016-02-13

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by wrestleryu Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:19 am

Ryu observed his opponent walk her way to the ring with a serious expression on her face. She was surely studying him  with those piercing blue eyes of hers already, and he was trying to figure out which kind of opponent Tabitha was going to be as well.

Starlight looked very well built on the physical department. With body like hers, Tabitha could have eaily chosen a career as a lingerie model but there was more than just that: once they were both on the ring, he would notice that her soft, feminine legs and arms were actually well trained.

As the girl got closer, he would realize that Starlight was at least his same height if not slightly taller. Something that was not a big surprise since Ryu was surely not among the bigger and taller wrestlers around.

Ryu was tempted to compliment her beauty, but he knew that it would be taken as a pathetic attempt to flirt rather than a true compliment so he resolved to stay on the polite side: "Hello Tabitha... or Starlight if you so prefer.... and good luck for the match". He welcomed the opponent with a slightly nervous smile,

Last edited by wrestleryu on Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:16 am; edited 2 times in total

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-06

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by freeko Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:41 am

"You can call me Tabby, and maybe even get me to purr like a lil' tabby cat hmm?" Tabby was no where as reserved as her opponent and figired the easiest way to loosen him up a bit was to flirt with him a little. In all fairness he looked cute. It would of course play right into her hands to get him in the mindset of wanting to fuck her senseless.

"Good luck, to you as well." Tabby would reply. Offering her hand forward to see if he would simply shake it or try to take the initiative in the match. Tabby's intention was to simply shake his hand, and then back off into her corner to wait for the match to start. Though she fully expected him to try to take advantage of her offering if he so desired.

Singles Competitors:

Chilling Inferno (Tag Team):

Posts : 881
Join date : 2016-02-13

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by wrestleryu Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:12 pm

"Heh... Tabby it is then. That's surely a very cute name", Ryu would respond to her flirty words. Sure thing, Tabby didn't sound like the shy type of wrestling girl. But on the good side, she didn't seem to be very obnoxious and aggressive.

"By the way, having you purr in my holds sounds like a nice plan to me", the Japanese boy would add with a slight grin, playing the confident guy part, but she could probably notice the slight blush rising to his cheeks at that moment.

With that said, Ryu would accept Tabby's handshake. It's not like he was pre-emptively planning to take advantage or something, but the bell rung just in that very moment. And thus, rather than letting go, Ryu would clench his hand tighter not letting the girl go.

"Alright then, let's not waste time, don't you agree?". With a cheeky grin Ryu would pull Tabby closer, going to pick her up into a bearhug this early in the match.

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-06

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by freeko Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:05 pm

Tabby would get a little bit more than what she had bargained for. She was the taller of the two, but it was very close between them. Maybe an inch at most was the advantage in size that she had to work with. Her wrestling technique was still developing as she was more of a kickboxer than a wrestler at this point, though certain other aspects of her technique were rather well developed. From what she could tell, she had the advantage more than likely in endurance. Though speed and strength are likely in his favor slightly.

Getting caught in her own thoughts, the bell would ring as they shook hands at the beginning of the match. Tabby would get caught by surprise as he used their grip on each other to bring her close. He was going for a bear hug right off the bat and would catch Tabby by surprise enough that he would be able to lift her up off the ground and start to squeeze. "Oh, a feisty one.." Tabby would remark inbetween small grunts of pain. It was time for her counterattack as she would try to wrap her arms around Ryu's head and start to use her breasts to attempt to smother him. The more he squeezed, the more Tabby would tense up and try to squeeze his head inbetween her breasts in retaliation. This might well start off with a test of endurance to see who could outlast the other?

Singles Competitors:

Chilling Inferno (Tag Team):

Posts : 881
Join date : 2016-02-13

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by wrestleryu Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:26 pm

Ryu was quite self-satisfied by his good start, having picked up Tabby in his bearhug without many problems as he was now lightly shaking her side to side.

But, the boy was maybe too confident in the girl's apparently harmless looks. Which she promptly demonstrated by using her womanly assets to bring a very teasing, and quite effective counterattack.

"Heh... so what are you going to dmmffff.???"

Caught by surprise, the Japanese boy would keep the squeeze around Tabby's midsection, only to be rewarded by a deeper airtight smother in her soft cleavage.

"M-Mrrpffhhh..... o///o". Ryu's muffled protests would vibrate nicely inbetween her supple breasts, as this funny endurance battle was going on. But Ryu was having the clear disadvantages of supporting the girl's weight, of being blindfolded by her bosom... and last bot not least, to be embarrassed at getting caught in such a womanly prison.

Before long, the boy would trip on his own feet and end down on his knees, which could not be good, because his bearhug was basically broken as a consequence, while Tabby's breastsmoter was still well locked in place.

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-06

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by freeko Thu Mar 03, 2016 1:46 pm

Tabby would find that her breasts were surprisingly effective at unsettling the boy. For a while they would both squeeze down on each other, but Ryu having to spend more energy as a whole would relent first and the weight of the pair of them would send him to the ground. Tabby would land in a fortunate spot as she was still directly over top of him. Tabby was quite enjoying the struggle that Ryu was putting up, and it was almost pleasurable to her as he tried to shake his head free.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. Tabby would say as she relented on the hold for a moment. This would allow him to catch his breath while Tabby made a secondary inquisition. "Want to take another turn? If you are a good little boy you can nuzzle yourself in there for as long as you like." Tabby was clearly playing with Ryu as she was not taking this match seriously at all past wanting to simply feel out her opponent for the time being. It would not do for Tabby to just smother this boy and not allow him to enjoy her breasts for what they were. The embarrassment it seemed to cause was just icing on the cake.

Singles Competitors:

Chilling Inferno (Tag Team):

Posts : 881
Join date : 2016-02-13

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by wrestleryu Thu Mar 03, 2016 2:59 pm

Ryu could not find a way out from Tabby's cleavage, but he had to admit that being a prisoner of her warm soft boobs didn't feel bad at all. Though, being comfortably nestled in there allowing Tabby to deprive him of air was not the wisest thing to do on a ring.

"Gasp...! Uff..uff... I guess it would be rude to refuse another round inthere", the boy would reply with his blushed face still white nestled between Tabby's breasts. With that, he kissed her bosom fondly, trying to tease and distract her. But, was such coy move going to help him break free? Or was it rather going to encourage Tabby to bury his face back in there?

Ryu's team:

Friction: Aiko, Yuko, Sakura

Tension Boys:  Ryu, Ataru, Okami, Nico, Andy, Koji
Tension Girls: Alena

Fur&Feathers: Okami, Toshiro

Posts : 11513
Join date : 2008-05-06

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Starlight Vs Ryu Empty Re: Starlight Vs Ryu

Post by freeko Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:18 pm

"Just remember to come up for air every once in a while, wouldn't want you passing out on me." Tabby would offer up a friendly piece of advice for her adversary. She seemed to have him right where she wanted him. The least he could do is pleasure her a little while she eroded his stamina and got his body ready for what she was going to do later on to him.

For now, she was content to allow him to experience a woman's breasts for what they were meant to be used for. It was almost like he was willing to fulfill her fantasies and try to suck on her breasts. Such a shame her top was still on for the time being. Maybe once she was done with him starting to tickle her fancy she would move onto something more.

Singles Competitors:

Chilling Inferno (Tag Team):

Posts : 881
Join date : 2016-02-13

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